Meet Sara

Hi, my name is Sara, I am a Christian, wife, and mother to 3 amazing kiddos. My passion to become a therapist stemmed from my own journey into personal development which began in 2005. Prior to reaching out for help, I had struggled with an eating disorder, low self-worth, an endless pursuit of perfection, and codependency. All this spiraled into me having suicidal ideation at my “rock bottom.”

By God’s grace, I was introduced to an amazing therapist who helped me begin my own healing journey. Fast forward to today, I have many years of recovery from disordered eating, compulsive exercise, and low self-esteem. Going to counseling helped me heal my relationship with myself and God, and cultivate joy and freedom in my life! The transformation I was able to make through counseling inspired me to help others find hope and healing for themselves. Furthermore, knowing that suicide is among the leading causes of death in the United States, I feel very passionate about people’s mental and emotional health.

Psychology Today Profile

 About the Blog

The goal of my blog is to provide relevant information that can assist individuals in their healing journey. Much of my blog is the stories of how I found my own tools to heal from various challenges and conversations with other people who found theirs. On the blog I provide interviews with other mental health professionals, professional athletes, and friends who have experienced healing and have a story to share. Hopefully the content shared can help you feel a little less alone in the world & inspire you to be a bit more kind to yourself.