I invite you to join me as I explore other people’s stories. Stories of people’s challenges and setbacks that ultimately led to self-discovery, growth, and betterment.

I am fascinated by the messiness of being human, and I find people who are vulnerable and honest about their struggles and shortcomings to be incredibly brave.

The goal of my blog is to provide relevant information that can assist individuals in their healing journey. Much of my blog is the stories of how I found my own tools to heal from various challenges and conversations with other people who found theirs. On the blog I provide interviews with other mental health professionals, professional athletes, and friends who have experienced healing and have a story to share.

If learning to love yourself a little more is on your list of goals, hopefully the content shared can help you feel a little less alone in the world & inspire you to be a bit more kind to yourself.

I believe self-discovery is one of the most important journeys we will ever go on!

6 Ways Parents can Support a Teenager Struggling with Depression

Teenage years can be a challenging time filled with social and academic pressures as well as hormonal changes. Depression is a prevalent mental health issue experienced by many adolescents. As a parent, seeing your teenager struggle with symptoms of depression can be heartbreaking. However, there are steps you can take to support your child during this difficult time.

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Sara Malcom Sara Malcom

Healing from Codependency with Licensed Counselor Marna Klug

Codependency is a common issue where individuals look for external validation and approval to feel worthy. The therapist emphasized the importance of gaining self-awareness in order to break free from codependency. The counselor explained that through therapy, individuals can begin to understand their own emotional needs and develop healthier ways of meeting them. By learning to validate themselves and cultivate their self-worth from within, clients can overcome codependency and improve their mental well-being.

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A Guide to Figuring Out Your Values

It is important to slow down, and ask ourselves, “What are the values that define who we are?” Values are the things in life that you feel are most important to you.

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Is God on our side?

It’s important to be reminded, that God is with us on our healing journey. From personal experience, in times of pain, it can feel very lonely. We can feel like we are the only one struggling. We can be temped to believe no one could understand us, and think it’ll just “ always be this way.”

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Mental Health Alisha Tanner Mental Health Alisha Tanner

A Simplified Life: with Brooke Happe

Brooke wanted more out of life, not physically more, but she stated, “more life, with less. Giving our children experiences over things.” Instead of living a life in constant commitment to others they now have the flexibility to do what they love and what they want to do.

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Addiction to Social Media

I interviewed my friend about her decision to delete social media, despite her growing following of 20K IG followers and it being the sole marketing voice and visual for business, creating a substantial income for her. She opens up about her addiction to social media and how it was causing anxiety, depression, and loneliness in her life.

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“Hope is a match in a dark tunnel, a moment of light, just enough to reveal the path ahead and ultimately the way out.”